Sale price Price $1,950.00 Regular price Unit price  per 

Have you taken an online course or a physical class and afterwards feel like you didn't really walk away with the skills you needed?

Don't worry, shoe making takes time, practice and the fine details explained in a slower paced setting.

ALL IN THE DETAILS, is just that, it's all of the details you need to separate an OK custom to an Exceptional Custom.

Sewing clean lines on an upper takes time and practice, but understanding that what you do underneath the upper is just as important as what you do on top.

This class will cover everything with Leather, Pre-Fit, Sewing, Lasting, Sole Prep & Press.

We dive deep into leather prep, leather cutting, proper backing and skiving, sewing tech with needle and threads, proper prep before you last, analyzing your sole and how to prep that material, chemical engineering.

Class Duration: 4 Days

Schedule: Flexible Dates Available - Email: SALES@LASCO.US to Lock & Secure Class Date